The big loss to Texas A&M has fans taking a step back.
Life is about expectations, especially if you’re a practical sort: Manage expectations appropriately, keep your frustration to a minimum, profit.
Well, it appears Mizzou fans are following that simple formula for a life free of anxiety. After last week’s loss to Texas A&M, a healthy majority of Tiger fans are expecting a step down from the preseason heights we had all hoped Missouri would hit.

In all fairness, an 8-win season is pretty good and a 9-win season is nothing to laugh at! Both would be better than an average Tiger season for the last decade or so, though it’s hard to divorce that from the hope that preceded the season. Roughly one-fourth of you are still holding out hope for a CFP type campaign, and it’s certainly still on the table. Seventeen percent of you are punting on anything above the mediocre, so maybe y’all should hit up the basketball boards on Rock M+? Plenty of excitement there!
We also wanted to know if you think Missouri can redeem itself for its poor showing in College Station by playing well in Amherst:

Yeah, we pretty much agree.