Fans have been hard on the Tigers this year, but they’re waiting to see the final record.
I appreciate honesty. I appreciate it especially in the face of someone being wrong and able to admit it. This may not be one of those cases… we’ll just have to wait and see won’t we?
Earlier this week, we asked you all to evaluate your own opinions of the Mizzou Tigers. How have you thought about them, spoken of them, judged them? Are your takeaways too harsh? To lenient? Spot on? It’s been hard to properly evaluate the Tigers, who own a solid 7-2 record without having played much convincing football. We’re all doing our best here.
We just wanted to know if you thought we as a larger fan base are being too hard on Mizzou. In a result that isn’t all that surprising, but it startlingly balanced, the answer was, “maybe, maybe not!”
Personally, I voted for the “Maybe!” category, because I think it will be entirely fair to be hyper critical of a team that fails to get nine wins in the regular season. However, the Tigers are in a good position to do just that! If they get to 9 or 10 wins, some of them coming without their starting quarterback and talisman on offense, well then yeah maybe we were being way too harsh on them.
On that note of Brady Cook… we also asked you to answer what you thought the Tigers final record would be if Cook isn’t able to return this season and the Tigers ride the remainder of the year out with Drew Pyne.
That feels about right. Should Pyne start performing more like he did in the second half against Oklahoma all the time, then maybe we can bump that up to nine wins. But there’s no doubting that the Tiger offense is less dynamic without Cook behind center.